Home Interview Questions and AnswersTechnical Interview Questions and Answers.NET .Net Windows Workflow Foundation Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experience Part-2

windows flow7. What are XOML files?
WF provides developers a declarative way to create workflows by using extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). The files used to store such workflow markups are known as extensible Object Markup Language (XOML) files.

8. Can you integrate workflow applications with some other application, such as Windows Forms applications and Web applications?

9. What is the difference between a system workflow and a human workflow?
A system workflow is a workflow that is developed to automate interactions among applications. Such workflow is usually static and predictable. On the other hand, a human workflow is a workflow that coordinates interactions of applications with people. As human workflows involve both software and people, they need to be more flexible than system workflows.

10. How can you implement a condition in a workflow?
You can implement a condition by using either of the following ways:

By creating a rule condition – Specifies that you can implement conditions either directly in code or by using a tool, called the Rule Condition Editor. Rule conditions are stored in a separate Extensible Markup Language (XML) file. When a rule condition occurs in a workflow, the expression in a condition is evaluated and a Boolean value is returned.
By creating a code condition – Refers to defining a condition directly in code. A code condition can be created by writing a method in the code. The method contains code for the condition and returns aBoolean value.

11. What is the function of the Rule Condition Editor dialog box in WF?
You can create and modify declarative rule conditions by using the Rule Condition Editor dialog box.

12. Explain the concept of Bookmarks in WF 4.0.
In WF 4.0, a bookmark is a mechanism that enables an activity to wait for an input without interrupting a workflow thread. When an activity signals that it is waiting for the input from a user, it can create a bookmark. A bookmark is created by using the BookmarkOptions class. This class provides the following bookmark types:
None – Represents a bookmark that can be resumed exactly once. This is the default bookmark type.
MultipleResume – Refers to a bookmark that you can resume multiple times.
NonBlocking – Refers to a bookmark that does not block the functioning of the workflow.

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