Home SALESFORCEConfiguration Salesforce Admin Tips, Salesforce Developer Tips

Salesforce Admin Tips, Salesforce Developer Tips

This blog post provided about Salesforce Admin Tips and Salesforce Developer Tips

Salesforce Admin Tips:-

Salesforce Admin Tips #1

Add Minutes, Hours to data field using Salesforce Formula field or Salesforce Process Builder or Salesforce Workflow:


//Add based on mins

Now() + (60/24/60)       /* Use this to add 60 mins in your datetime field
Now() + (10/24/60) /* Use this to add 10 mins in your datetime field
DateTimeFieldAPI__c + (10/24/60) /* Use this to add 10 mins in your datetime field

//Subtract based on mins

Now() – (60/24/60)       /* Use this to Subtract 60 mins in your datetime field
Now() – (10/24/60) /* Use this to Subtract 10 mins in your datetime field
DateTimeFieldAPI__c – (10/24/60) /* Use this to Subtract 10 mins in your datetime field

Reference:– https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000321563&type=1&mode=1

Salesforce Admin Tips #2

Monitor Salesforce Process Builder scheduled actions or Time-based rule:

Goto Setup -> Flows -> Paused and Waiting Interviews 

Monitor Salesforce Workflow Rule scheduled actions or Time-based rule:

Setup -> Monitoring -> Time-Based Workflow

Reference: https://theblogreaders.com/monitor-salesforce-process-builder-scheduled-actions/

Salesforce Developer Tips:-

Salesforce Developer Tips #1

How to add minutes using Salesforce Apex Class:

Use addMinutes Apex Method in your apex class or trigger to add or subtract to your date time field.

For Example:-

Reminder_Date__c is a custom date time field, if you like to add 10mins in your current results then use like below:

to add 10mins or subtract 10 mins using apex class or apex trigger (12/09/2019 2:20 AM)
thisTask.Reminder_Date_Email__c = thisTask.ReminderDateTime.addMinutes(10);     // to add 10 mins from your current value  Result: 12/09/2019 2:30 AM
thisTask.Reminder_Date_Email__c = thisTask.ReminderDateTime.addMinutes(-10);     // to subtract 10 mins from your current value Result: 12/09/2019 2:10 AM

DateTime currentTime = System.now().addMinutes(10);  //to add 10 mins from current date time value

Reference For DateTime Apex Class Methods: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_datetime.htm

Salesforce Developer Tips #2

How to get logged in User Email value without using SOQL in Salesforce Apex Class:

Use UserInfo Apex Class Methods to get the logged in user Email Value or Firstname, Lastname, OrganizationID, ProfileID, UserID, etc


thisTask.Reminder_Email__c = UserInfo.getUserEmail();

For more infor about UserInfo Apex Class – https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_userinfo.htm

Salesforce Developer Tips #3

Disable Salesforce Browser Cache to help developer to hit hard refresh multiple time to reflect their changes in Salesforce Lightning UI:

Goto Setup -> Find “Session Settings” -> Under Cache Section -> Uptick the ““Enable secure and persistent browser caching to improve performance” option

Refer the How to Disable Browser Cache During AURA, Lightning Web Component Development blog post – https://theblogreaders.com/disable-browser-cache-aura-lightning-web-component-development/


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