Example 1: Example 2: Apex Class: public class con { public contact c { get; set; } public con() { c = new contact(); } public void search() { …
April 2012
Apex Class: public class sampleExtension { ApexPages.standardController std = null; public sampleExtension(ApexPages.standardController sc) { std = sc; } public PageReference doCancel() { return …
Displaying the check box in a data table or page block table is a general requirement in every project. with the help of wrapper class we can display the checkboxes …
Apex Class: public class checkcontact { public list con {get;set;} public boolean cc{get;set;} public checkcontact() { con=new list(); cc=true; con=[select name,email from contact]; } public void change() { if(cc==false) cc=true; …
APEX: public with sharing class clsDateFormat { Datetime myDateTime = system.now(); List dateFormats = new List { ‘dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss’, ‘MMMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a’, …
Letter Date or Time Piece Examples G Era G = AD y Year yy = 09, yyyy = 2009 M Month MM = 08, MMM = Aug, MMMMM = August …
Salesforce CRM provides two tools for data migration—the Import Wizard and the Apex Data Loader.The Import Wizard is designed for less-technical users and smaller, simple imports of up to 50,000 …
Data type mapping i.e, what data type of Salesforce maps to what data type of SQL Server or Oracle Data Type. SalesForce Data Type SQL Server Data Type ORACLE Data Type boolean …