41.What ACID stands for? ACID stands for Atomic, Consistent,Isolated and Durable.
EJB Interview Questions and Answers
31.How EJB implements dependency injection? EJB 3.0 specification provides annotations which can be applied on fields or setter methods to inject dependencies. EJB Container uses the global JNDI registry to …
21.What is Callback in EJB? Callback is a mechanism by which life cycle of an enterprise bean can be intercepted. EJB 3.0 specification has specified callbacks for which callback handler …
11.Explain @javax.ejb.Stateless annotation. @javax.ejb.Stateless annotation specifies that a given ejb class is a stateless session bean.Following are its attributes: name – Used to specify name of the session bean. …
1.What is EJB? EJB stands for Enterprise Java Beans. EJB is an essential part of a J2EE platform. J2EE platform have component based architecture to provide multi-tiered, distributed and highly …