Home SALESFORCEReports Create Salesforce Opportunity Report based on Closed date by Year

Create Salesforce Opportunity Report based on Closed date by Year

From this post to explain the create a formula field & report in Salesforce Opportunity Object to generate opporutnity report based on the closed date by YEAR.

  1. Create custom formula field in your Opportunity Object
  2. Create Opportunity Report

To Generate the Salesforce Opportunity Report based on the closed date by year, as default we can create the report based on the Month, but not available as per Year, to achieve create a custom formula field in Opportunity Object to accomplish to generate salesforce report as per Closed date by Year.

From Setup -> Object Manager -> Opportunity Object -> Create a formula field with Formula return type as TEXT and formula like:


Then use this formula field in your Report in the Groups sections and also make sure to check the Filter section in your report.

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