How to Split the special characters using apex class
Its possible to split the string using the characters/letters using the SPLIT method using apex class.
The separator string used in the split method is a regular expression and “.” is a special character in regular expressions.
The regular expression for a literal “.” is “\.”
However “\” is also used to escape characters when expressing Strings in Apex, and so this character too needs escaping:
Splitting a string using ‘.’
String[] d = createDate.split(‘\\.’);
Same way we can split the other special characters like @,&,$,!,etc
Splitting a string using ‘|’
| ====> ‘|’
String[] d = createDate.split(‘\\|’);
Splitting a string using ‘\’
The documentation provides an interesting example, if you need to use “\” as the separator:
List<String> parts = filename.split('\\\\');