Required fields missing: TimeZoneSidKey, LocaleSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, ProfileId, LanguageLocaleKey When creating a User in
following information is mandatory when inserting new user using user object either manual or data loader:
Please use the Example values:
EmailEncoding: ISO-8859-1
LanguageLocaleKey: en_US
LocaleSidKey: en_US
TimeZoneSidKey: America/Los_Angeles
Profile ID: 15digit salesforce ID and you can get from Profile section or below SOQL:
“Select Id, Name from Profile”
Role is not a mandatory field while creating the users, if you want then please use the following filed:
UserRoleId: again its also in 15digit salesforce ID and you can get from Rold section or below SOQL:
“SELECT Id, Name FROM UserRole”