My Goals for 2022 #SeizetheTrail (its mix of #personalgoal and giving back to #trailblazercommunity )
here is my goal 2022 🙂
1. Try to Become a 10x Ranger
2. Completing 2 or 3 more Trailhead Superbadges
3. Completing Integration Architect Certification
4. Completing few Partner Certification
5. Organizing Trailblazer Community Group event on every month – http://bit.ly/BVSFDGSpeaker
1. Try to Become a 10x Ranger
2. Completing 2 or 3 more Trailhead Superbadges
3. Completing Integration Architect Certification
4. Completing few Partner Certification
5. Organizing Trailblazer Community Group event on every month – http://bit.ly/BVSFDGSpeaker
6. Continue to learning & sharing my learning to community either my blog post (https://theblogreaders.com/) or video post (https://www.youtube.com/SFDCLearnShare)
7. Try to participate Parkrun every week and encourage others to join & participate actively (https://www.parkrun.com.au/parramatta/)
Seize the Trail Quest 2022 – This annual #Trailhead Quest will take you on a journey to learn in-demand Salesforce skills and connect to the Trailblazer community.
Use #SeizetheTrail to share your 2022 Learning Goals and drop here – https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000EkuyJSAR
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