Salesforce Guidelines – Part I
1. Where in mvc is custom object placed – model
2. By default what all comes with a custom obj Tab?
3. Functionality “x” is in which edition – unlimited and Enterprise(Answer valid provided x doesn’t change)
4. How does role hierarchy works in saelsforce – Records of jr.exec is visible to his/her seniors
5. Vlookup with val rule – for a scenario where product name and code mapping is desired.
6. Database, analytic engine are included in (Other options -dataware house, web browser)
7. Gauze and table can give you total. Matrix, pie don’t
8. Consider report n dashboards before designing an application
9. Invalid formula field data type – checkbox and email r not there
10. Which all field cannot be ext id – textarea and formula field – correct answer – Text, Number, Email CAN be Ext Id fields
11. Production and full sanbox ONLY can have same salesforce id.
12. With which dev tool can u create custom obj – ide, api. Setup is not a tool
13. Master child rel – child owner is same as master’s, child follows same security model, child gets deleted when parent is deleted
14. Lookups – u can access parent record field value from child record
15. If a picklist value is “Open” give edit, delete access to SOME users and if it is other than Open do not allow anyone to delete that record – Make that object private in sharing model and create a sharing rule to allow access of that record to a group when picklist value is open. Sugg: Locking / Unlocking?
16. Who can approve a record submitted for approval – Approver and any one above him
17. Export data every night – commandline data loader
18. Import wizard feature – deduplication
19. Make change while hovering – Mini page layout
20. Want to have records in related list filtered on some cretiera – filter from related records on a page layout
21. Multi currency scenario – ISO code is mandatory , roll up summary will be correct
22. 2 users x,y – access to rec based on value of a picklist – To be Answered
23. If master is deleted – child rec wud be deleted
24. Why using formula is better – no test coverage, no IDE req, do able from browser
25. 25 Cross obj formula – we can get parent from child and – To be Answered
26. Junction obj – have 2 masters, manage M:M relationship
27. Approval process, master detail, lookup, formula field —study for picklist question like work flows -> correspond to business logic
28. Best way to test time based workflow – queue, activity history (incorrect – debug log, bug history)
29. Which properties can be changed from page layout – required, read only
30. How one can approve a process from mobile- sms, voice, correct – (email, browser)
31. x->y->z: To make report from related co’s , setup>custom report
32. Web tab, vf tab, custom tab -we can create these types of tab.
33. With Webservice api -page layout read only is not respected, field level read only is respected
34. Best option to sum different objects – summary report
35. Console: The console is a tab that combines a list view and related records into one screen with different frames so users have all the information they need when interacting with Salesforce. With the console, users can quickly find, view, and edit records such as cases, accounts, and contacts with fewer clicks and without switching back and forth between screens. Administrators choose the information displayed in the console to accommodate users’ varied and evolving business needs. Console layouts define what objects are available to users in the console’s list view frame. For example, if you want users to see list views of cases and contacts in the console, then you would add both cases and contacts to a console layout, and then assign that console layout to the appropriate user profiles. A user can only view objects in the console’s list view frame if those objects are added to the console layout to which
their profile is assigned.
36. System Fields: has the ability to set system fields through the API. When you are migrating data from an external system, the API lets customers set the CreatedBy, CreatedDate, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedDate, and a number of other fields on most objects that were previously read-only. By setting these fields, records will appear to have been created at their original created time from your old system. The objects you can edit audit fields are: Account, Contact, Opportunity, Case, Task, Lead, Event, Custom objects.
37. Encrypted Custom Fields: Encrypted custom fields are text fields that can contain letters, numbers or symbols but are encrypted. The value of encrypted fields is visible to users with “View Encrypted Data” permission.
To enable encrypted fields for your organization, contact
Encrypted fields are encrypted with 128-bit keys and use the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.
Encrypted custom fields cannot be unique, an external ID, or have default values.
Although other text fields can contain up to 255 characters, encrypted text fields are limited to 175 characters due to the encryption algorithm.
Encrypted fields are not available for use in filters such as list views, reports, roll-up summary fields, and rule filters.
Encrypted fields cannot be used to define report criteria, but they can be included in report results.
Encrypted fields are not searchable, but they can be included in search results.
Encrypted fields are not available in the following: Salesforce CRM Mobile, Connect for Outlook, Connect for Lotus Notes, Connect Offline, lead conversion, workflow rule criteria or formulas, formula fields, outbound messages, default values, and Web-to-Lead and Web-to-Case forms.
You can use encrypted fields in email templates; however, the value is always masked regardless of whether you have the “View Encrypted Data” permission.
If you have created encrypted custom fields, make sure your organization has secure connections using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled. To enable this setting for your organization, see Setting Session Security.
If you have the “View Encrypted Data” permission and you grant login access to another user, be aware that the other user will be able to see encrypted fields unmasked (in plain text). To avoid this possibility, first clone your profile and remove the “View Encrypted Data” permission from the cloned profile, then assign yourself to the cloned profile before granting login access to the other user. If you do not have the appropriate permissions to clone and change your profile, contact your administrator for assistance.
Only users with the “View Encrypted Data” permission can clone the value of an encrypted field when cloning that record.
Encrypted fields are editable regardless of whether the user has the “View Encrypted Data” permission. Use validation rules, field-level security settings, or page layout settings to prevent users from editing encrypted fields.
You can still validate the values of encrypted fields using validation rules or Apex scripts. Both works regardless of whether the user has the “View Encrypted Data” permission. Data for encrypted fields in the Debug Log is masked. Existing custom fields cannot be converted into encrypted fields nor can encrypted fields be converted into another data type. To encrypt the values of an existing (unencrypted) field, export the data, create an encrypted custom field to store that data, and import that data into the new encrypted field. Mask Type is not an input mask that ensures the data matches the Mask Type. Use validation rules to ensure that the data entered matches the Mask Type selected. Use encrypted custom fields only when government regulations require it because they involve additional processing and have search-related limitations.
38. Page Layouts:
a. Page layouts for the user object only include custom fields, custom links, S-controls, and Visualforce pages
b. Tagging, related lists, custom buttons, and standard field customizations are not included on page layouts for the user object
c. Field level security is only available only for the custom fields on User object
d. Field level security is not available for the standard fields on the User object
e. You can define mini-page layout for the User object but can’t add standard fields or related list
f. Only Administrator can use the import wizard for Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions and custom objects
g. Administrator has access to import into any field even if a field is hidden or read only in the page layout or field level security setting
h. Individual users can import only into the fields that are accessible to them via their page layout or field level security settings
i. In Personal, Group and Professional editions page layout control which field user can access in related list, list views, reports, connect offline, email and mail merge templates, custom links.
j. In Enterprise, Unlimited and Developer editions, the access is controlled by field level security
k. When editing a Person Account page layout, if you add shipping address next the billing address in the Address information section a link will display on the person account edit page that lets you copy the billing address into the shipping address. Also, an equivalent link appear if you add other address to the Address information section
l. Contact fields and related list are available on the Person Account page layouts. However , contact custom links and custom buttons are not available
m. Some Items can only be moved to certain sections on the page layout. For example you can drag a custom s-control to any field section on the page layout, but not to a Related list section or Button section
39. Visual force:
a. Visualforce uses a tag based markup language to give developers more powerful way to build applications and customize the Salesforce interface. With Visualforce, you can:
i. Create custom user interfaces that easily leverages standards Salesforce styles
ii. Create custom user interfaces that completely replace the Standard Salesforce Styles
iii. Build wizard and other navigation patterns that uses data specific rules for optimal , efficient application interaction
b. Visual force is a framework that lets developers to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces that can be hosted natively on the platform
c. Visualforce framework includes a tag based markup language similar to HTML
d. In Visualforce markup language, each Visual force component correspond to a course and fine grained user component such as related list, page section or a field
e. Developer can use Visualforce to create a Visual force page definition. The page definition consist of 2 things:
i. Visual force markup
ii. Visual force controller
f. Visual force markup: consists of Visualforce tags, HTML, javascript or any web-enabled code
g. Visualforce controller: is a set of instructions that specify what happens when a user interacts with the component specified in the associated visual force markup such as when user clicks on a button or links
h. Controller also provides the data access that should be displayed in a page and can modify component behavior
i. Standard Controller: consists of the same functionality and logic that is used for a standard Salesforce page. If you use a standard controller, clicking on a Save button in a Visualforce page results in the same behavior as clicking Save on the standard edit page
j. Custom Controller: is a class written in Apex that implements all of the page logic without leveraging a standard controller
k. Like other Apex classes, Custom controller also execute entirely in system mode in which the object and field level permissions of the current user are ignored. You can specify whether a user can execute a method in a custom controller based on the user’s profile
l. Controller Extension: A controller Extension is a class written in Apex that adds to or Overrides behavior in a Standard or custom controller. Extension let you leverage the functionality of another controller while adding your own logic
40. Standard controller executes in User mode in which the permissions, field level security and sharing rules of the current user are enforced
41. Because standard controllers execute in user mode—in which the permissions, field-level security, and sharing rules of the current user are enforced—extending a standard controller lets you build a Visualforce page that respects user permissions. Although the extension class executes in system mode, the standard controller executes in user mode. As with custom controllers, you can specify whether a user can execute methods in a controller extension based on the user’s profile.
42. Custom picklist can be controlling or dependent
43. Standard picklist can only be the controlling
44. Standrad picklist can not be dependent
45. A dependent field works in conjuction with a controlling field to filters its values. The value chosen in the controlling field effects the values available in the dependent field
46. The field that drives filtering is called as Controlling field.
47. Standard and Custom checkboxes can be the controlling field
48. Standard and Custom picklist with at least 1 and less then 300 values can be the controlling field
49. The field that has its value filtered is called as Dependent field
50. Custom picklist and multi-select picklists can only be the dependent fields