The AJAX Toolkit allows you to issue synchronous or asynchronous calls. Asynchronous calls allow the client side process to continue, waiting for a call back from the server. To issue an asynchronous call, you must include an additional parameter with the API call, referred to as a callback function. Once the result is ready, the server invokes the callback method with the result.
Synchronous syntax:
sforce.connection.method("arg1","arg2", ...);
For example:
sforce.connection.login("[email protected]","myPassword1");
Asynchronous syntax:
method("arg1","arg2", ..., callback_method);
For example:
var callback = {onSuccess: handleSuccess, onFailure: handleFailure}; function handleSuccess(result) {} function handleFailure(error) {} sforce.connection.query("Select name from Account", callback);
VF Page:
<apex:page> <head> <script src="/soap/ajax/20.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> window.onload = function() { var AccountOutput = document.getElementById("AccountOutput"); var StartTime = new Date().getTime() try { sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}"; //Used for Session out var queryResult = sforce.connection.query("Select Name, Industry From Account where Name!=null"); AccountResults(queryResult, AccountOutput, StartTime); } catch(error) { queryFailed(error, AccountOutput); } } //if failed for Query function queryFailed(error, out) { out.innerHTML = "<font color=red>An error has occurred:</font> <p>" + error; } //if gets Results and pass to 'out' variable function AccountResults(queryResult, out, startTime) { var timeTaken = new Date().getTime() - startTime; if (queryResult.size > 0) { var AccountOutput = ""; var records = queryResult.getArray('records'); for (var i = 0; i <records.length; i++) { var account = records[i]; AccountOutput += account.Name + " [Industry - "+ account.Industry + " ]<BR>"; } out.innerHTML = AccountOutput + "<BR> query complexed in: " + timeTaken + " ms."; } else { out.innerHTML = "No records matched."; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="AccountOutput"> </div> </body> </apex:page>