Updating Opportunities to Closed Lost when another Opportunity is marked Closed Won Using record triggered Salesforce Flow – Andrew Fragias
This demo video walks through an example of Updating Opportunities to Closed Lost when another Opportunity is marked Closed Won Using record triggered Salesforce Record Triggered Flow – Andrew Fragias.
Most company’s have multiple Opportunities open at once for an account and once one is marked closed won as a result of a successful sale others are left open and sales people continue to follow up. In most cases the aim is to close lost any other open Opportunities that are related to that account given they are of the same type of product or delivering the same benefit. This flow will help you achieve a very simple version of this which can then be adapted using decision splits and more advanced conditioning to even further narrow down the opportunities to be marked closed lost.
Key Features: Opportunity Stage Updated based on the related Opportunity Stage value using record triggered Salesforce Flow Using Record Trigger Flow and Used After the record is Saved trigger Flow to update the stage.
Here Used following Salesforce Flow Resources & Elements to achieve Updating Opportunities to Closed Lost when another Opportunity is marked Closed Won Using record triggered Salesforce Flow
- Record Triggered Flow (Opportunity Object, A Record is updated, After the record is saved run flow and added the condition as StageName is Changed equal TRUE and StageName is equal Closed Won)
- Update Records (Find the records while specify conditions to identify records and set fields individually and added conditions to retrieve all the opportunity records related to accounts and isClosed as False to retrieve all the opportunity records other than the closed won opportunity records, set the StageName as Closed Lost)
- Test & Demo from Opportunity records 🙂
Create Opportunity Teams based on Tasks using record triggered Salesforce Flow
Refer salesforce flow demo about Updating Opportunities to Closed Lost when another Opportunity is marked Closed Won Using record triggered Salesforce Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/identify-child-account-opportunities-using-record-triggered-salesforce-flow/
Refer salesforce flow demo about Generate Renewal Opportunities Using Salesforce Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/generate-renewal-opportunities-using-salesforce-flow/
Refer salesforce flow demo about Clone Account Team to Opportunity Team Using Salesforce Record Trigger Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/clone-account-team-opportunity-team-using-salesforce-flow/
Refer salesforce flow demo about Auditing Account Deletion & reparent the deleted Accounts Opportunity Records Using Salesforce Record Trigger Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/auditing-account-deletion-using-salesforce-flow-andrew-fragias/
Refer salesforce flow demo about Clone Accounts and Related Records Using Salesforce Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/clone-accounts-related-records-using-salesforce-flow-andrew-fragias/
Refer salesforce flow demo about How to reference Custom Metadata Types to optimise Salesforce Account Records Using Salesforce Flow – https://theblogreaders.com/reference-custom-metadata-types-optimise-salesforce-account-records-using-salesforce-flow-andrew-fragias/