How to use the Conditional / Ternary operator in Salesforce Apex Class
? : | x ? y : z | Ternary operator (Right associative). This operator acts as a short-hand for if-then-else statements. If x, a Boolean, is true, y is the result. Otherwise z is the result. Note that x cannot be null. |
Sample Syntax to use Conditional / Ternary operator in Apex Class
Integer Result = SomeCondition ? Value1 : Value2;
Example for Ternary operator in Apex Class:
Integer ListPrice = 50;
Integer SalesPrice = 100;
Integer TotalAmount = ListPrice > 50 ? ListPrice : SalesPrice;
System.debug(‘::TotalAmount::’+ TotalAmount);
Output: 19:48:26:002 USER_DEBUG [5]|DEBUG|::TotalAmount::100
Example for Ternary operator in Apex Class:
String WebSite = ‘’;
String WebSiteResult = WebSite != null ? WebSite : ‘’;
System.debug(‘::WebSiteResult::’+ WebSiteResult);
Output: 19:52:11:001 USER_DEBUG [3]|DEBUG|
Refer the All the Expression Operators in Salesforce:-