Ajax implementation in visualforce page using ActionStatus
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller=”exampleCon”>
<apex:form >
<apex:outputText value=”Watch this counter: {!count}” id=”counter”/>
<apex:actionStatus startText=” (incrementing…)” stopText=” (done)” id=”counterStatus” />
<apex:actionPoller action=”{!incrementCounter}” rerender=”counter” status=”counterStatus” interval=”60″/>
Apex Class Controller:
public class exampleCon {
Integer count = 0;
public PageReference incrementCounter() {
return null;
public Integer getCount() {
return count;
Please use the below snippets code to show the status by image.
<apex:actionStatus id=”counterStatus” >
<apex:facet name=”start” >
<apex:image url=”{!$Resource.LoadingImage}” />