Home SALESFORCEAPEX Custom Setting
Custom Setting
Custom Settings is an essentially custom object that is exposed in the applications cache and accessible via their own API. Custom setting will give us to use in SOQL and there is no limit of fields and also use custom settings in formula fields, validation rules, Apex code and the Web Services API.
* Provide advanced application personalization and customization

* Deliver efficient cached data

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How to Create Custom Setting?
Go to SetupàApp Set upàDevelopàCustom SettingàNew
Custom Setting Definition Page will open enter the required fields value.
Like Label: OpportunityAction
Object: Opportunity.
Setting Type: List
Visibility: Public
Description: Created for which action.
Setting Type (A List type defines application-level data, such as country codes, that is stored in the application cache. A Hierarchy type defines personalization settings, such as default field values, that can be the overridden at the organization, profile, or user level).
Add New Two Custom Fields this declaration of Oppty fields and related list: Click on New Button
1) Label: API Name
Data Type: Text
Length: 200
2) Label: Object
Data Type: Text
Length: 200
Click on Manage Button and enter all fields which you want to in SOQL.
1) Label: Account Name
API Name: AccountId
Object: Opportunity
2) Label: Agents
API Name: Agents__c
Object: Operations_Service__c
Apex class Code:
Object Following example is for the fetching the fields from Custom Setting and insert the record.
List<OpportunityAction__c> FieldList =[Select API_Name__c,Object__c fromOpportunityAction__c];
Map<String,Set> objectFieldsList= newMap<String,Set>();
for(OpportunityAction__c field:FieldList){
Set temp= objectFieldsList.get(field.Object__c);
temp = new Set();
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//this for loop picks up the API names of all fields against the object OpportunityAction__c in custom setings
for(String OpptyField:objectFieldsList.get(OpportunityAction__c’)){
OppQuery=OppQuery+’ , ‘;
OppQuery = OppQuery + OpptyField;
OppQuery =’Select ‘ + OppQuery + ‘ from OpportunityAction__c WHERE Id =\” + ids + ‘\’ ‘;
OpportunityAction__c objOppty=Database.query(OppQuery);
insertOpportunity = objOppty.clone(false);
insert insertOpportunity;
}catch(Exception ex){
System.debug(‘Exception 1 : ‘ +ex);
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Conclusion: As above example we can fetch number of fields in our code and made dynamic SOQL. This feature is very important for our dynamic SOQL and client flexible reqiurment.

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