Generating Salesforce Case Thread Id Using Apex Class
Case Thread ID:
“Case Thread_Id” Use for Preventing New Cases and Only Allowing Case Updates via Email.
Case Thread ID contatins the combination of Organization Id and Case ID.
Example: VALID
Code Example:
String caseId = ‘500c00000024Dru’;
string Case_ThreadID = ‘_’ + UserInfo.getOrganizationId().left(4) + ‘0’ + UserInfo.getOrganizationId().mid(11,4) + ‘._’ + caseId.left(4) + ‘0’ + caseId.mid(10,5) + ”;
system.debug(‘CASE THREADID:::’ Case_ThreadID);
Generating Salesforce Case ID with the help of Case Thread Id Using Apex Class:
String case_threadId = ‘_00Dc0LQjo._500c024Dru’;
Id CaseID = Cases.getCaseIdFromEmailThreadId(case_threadId);
system.debug(‘CASE ID:::’ CaseID);
We can get the 18 digit case id.
Generating Salesforce Case Thread ID Using Custom Formula Field:
Create a New Custom Formula field in Case Object with Return type as Text and paste it below statement in Formula Text area section
“ref:_00D”&MID(Id,4,1)&RIGHT($Organization.Id, 4) &”.”& LEFT(Id,4)&RIGHT(Id,5)&”:ref”