It is necessary to update Whatsapp frequently when you use it.Because when we update We can use the latest features of whatsapp.Ex-Whatsapp call like that.It can be update using playstore,ovi store,itunes.
- Normally Android users update their whatsapp via Playstore.
- But Some times we may not reach the playstore.
- Sometimes the update cannot be completed due to our mobile data problems like that.
- To rectify this you can download the following direct file and update your whatsapp.
- Download your respective file.
- When your download is complete click it and install it.
- It will ask replace the existing file.Click ok.
- If you are run out of your phone memory,uninstall your old whatsapp and install this.
Download for Android users
- Download it from direct whatsapp website.
- Minimum requirement is os version above 2.1.
- Downloads are updated automatically.So don’t worry about your download.
Download for Windows users
- For windows is not a open source you have to download it from your market place.
Download for Iphone users
- For iphone users download using itunes.