Web-to-Lead Lead Form Details not Captured to Salesforce Lead Object
Web-to-Lead form is not Captured filled values in Salesforce Leads object, then in your form add this below two lines and we can debug in lead form.
<input type=”hidden” name=”debug” value=1>
<input type=”hidden” name=”debugEmail” value=”[email protected]”>
Then After Submitted the button, if we face the below issue:
Reason: Your Lead could not be processed.
Lead Capture Page: Not available.
After generated the Web-To-Lead html code from salesforce, then we need to modify the Form action url if we execute as Sandbox:
Sandbox will look like this:
<form action=”https://test.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8″ method=”POST”>
Production will look like this:
<form action=”https://cs7.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8″ method=”POST”>
Test – Sandbox Org
cs – Production Org Instance