1. Why we use Treeview Control?
To list the hierarchial list of the node objects. Such of files and Directories.
2. Why we need OLE-Automation? Advantages?
Enables an application to exposes objects and methods to other Applications. No need to reserve memory. No need to write functions.
Object library that simplify programming tasks. i.e., No need to Object library. (OLB, TLB).
3. What is the diff between the Create Object and Get object?
Create Object – To create an instance of an object.
Get Object ? To get the reference to an existing object.
4. Have you create Properties and Methods for your own Controls?
Properties ? Public variable of a Class
Method ? Public procedure of a classWhat is Collection Objects?
Similarly to arrays but is preferred over an array because of the following reasons.
1. A collection objects uses less Memory than an array.
2. It provides methods to add and delete members.
3. It does not required reason statement when objects are added or deleted.
4. It does not have boundary limitations.
5. What is Static Variable?
Its Scope will be available through out the life time.
Private Dim x as integer. Is it true?
No. Private cannot be used in front of DIM.
6. What is Implicit?
Instance of specific copy of a class with its own settings for the properties defined in that class. Note: The implicity defined variable is never equal to nothing.
7. What are the scope of the class?
Public , private, Friend
Can we able to set Instancing properties like Singleuse, GlobalSingleuse to ActiveXDll?
In project properties if we set Unattended what is it mean?
This cannot have user interface. This can be used for the COM creation.What are the Style Properties of Combo Box?
Simple, Dropdown list ? We can type and select.
Dropdown Combo ? Only Drop Down.
8. What are the Style properties of List Box?
Simple ?Single Select , Extended. ? Multiple Select.
9. What are the different types of Dialog Box?
Predefined, Custom, User Defined.
10. What is Parser Bug?
It is difficult to use database objects declared in a module from within a form.