1. What is Quality Center used for? Or What are the benefits and features of Quality Center ?
Quality Center is a comprehensive test management tool. It is a web-based tool and supports high level of communication and association among various stakeholders (Business Analyst, Developers , Testers etc. ) , driving a more effective and efficient global application-testing process. Automation Tools like QTP , WinRunner & LoadRunner can be integrated with Quality Center. One can also create reports and graphs for Analysis and Tracking for Test processes.
2. What is the difference between TestDirector and Quality Center?
Quality Center is upgraded version of Test Director built by the same vendor Mercury (Now acquired by HP).Test Director Version 8.2 onwards is know as Quality Center. Quality Center is has enhanced Security/Test management /Defect management features when compared to Test Director.
3. What is the difference between Quality Center and Bugzilla?
Quality Center is a test management tool which can also manage Defects apart from other features.
BugZilla is Defect Management tool only.
4. What is the Purpose of Creating Child Requirement in TD /QC?
By Creating Child requirements to the main requirement you can evaluate the sub requirements related to the main requirements.
You can link test sets and defects to the sub-requirements. This helps in 100% test coverage and its analysis.
Learn More About Requirements in the Video Tutorial here
5. What is Test Lab?
In order to execute a Test Case (Developed in the Test Plan Module) either manual or automated it needs to imported into Test Lab Module. In sum, Test Cases are created in Test Plan Module while they are executed in Test Lab Module.
6. How many types of tabs are there in Quality Centre. Explain?
There are four types of tabs are available
1. Requirement : To track the customer requirements
2. Testplan : To design the test cases and to store the test scripts
3. test lab : To execute the test cases and track the results.
4. Defect : To log a defect and to track the logged defects.
7. How to map the requirements with test cases in Quality Centre?
1. In requirements tab select coverage view
2. Select requirement by clicking on parent/child or grandchild
3. On right hand side(In coverage view window) another window will appear. It has two tabs
a) Tests coverage
b) Details
Test coverage tab will be selected by default or you click on it.
4. Click on select tests button a new window will appear on right hand side and you will see a list of all tests. You cans elect any test case you want to map with your requirements.
8. How to use Quality Centre in real time project?
Once completed the preparing of test cases
1. Export the test cases into Quality Centre( It will contained total 8 steps)
2. The test cases will be loaded in the test plan module
3. Once the execution is started. We move the test cases from test plan tab to the test lab module.
4. In test lab, we execute the test cases and put as pass or fail or incomplete. We generate the graph in the test lab for daily report and sent to the on site (where ever you want to deliver)
5. If we got any defects and raise the defects in the defect module. when raising the defects, attach the defects with the screen shot.
9. Difference between Web Inspect-QA Inspect?
QA Inspect finds and prioritizes security vulnerabilities in an entire web application or in specific usage scenarios during testing and presents detail information and remediation advise about each vulnerability.
Web Inspect ensures the security of your most critical information by identifying known and unknown vulnerabilities within the web application. With web Inspect, auditors, compliance officers and security experts can perform security assessments on a web enabled application. Web inspect enables users to perform security assessments for any web application or web service, including the industry leading application platforms.
10. How can we add requirements to test cases in Quality Centre?
Just you can use the option of add requirements.
Two kinds of requirements are available in TD.
1. Parent Requirement
2. Child requirements.
Parent Requirements nothing but title of the requirements, it covers high level functions of the requirements
Child requirement nothing but sub title of requirements, it covers low level functions of the requirements.