49. What is the difference between page-level caching and fragment caching?
In the page-level caching, an entire Web page is cached; whereas, in the fragment caching, a part of the Web page, such as a user control added to the Web page, is cached.
50. Make a list of all templates of the Repeater control.
The Repeater control contains the following templates:
51. Describe the complete lifecycle of a Web page.
When we execute a Web page, it passes from the following stages, which are collectively known as Web page lifecycle:
Page request – During this stage, ASP.NET makes sure the page either parsed or compiled and a cached version of the page can be sent in response
Start – During this stage sets the Request and Response page properties and the page check the page request is either a postback or a new request
Page Initialization – During this stage, the page initialize and the control’s Unique Id property are set
Load – During this stage, if the request is postback, the control properties are loaded without loading the view state and control state otherwise loads the view state
Validation – During this stage, the controls are validated
Postback event handling – During this stage, if the request is a postback, handles the event
Rendering – During this stage, the page invokes the Render method to each control for return the output
Unload – During this stage, when the page is completely rendered and sent to the client, the page is unloaded.
52. How can you assign page specific attributes in an ASP.NET application?
The @Page directive is responsible for this.
53. Which method is used to post a Web page to another Web page?
The Respose.Redirect method is used to post a page to another page, as shown in the following code snippet: Response.Redirect(“DestinationPageName.aspx”);
54. What is a Cookie? Where is it used in ASP.NET?
Cookie is a lightweight executable program, which the server posts to client machines. Cookies store the identity of a user at the first visit of the Web site and validate them later on the next visits for their authenticity. The values of a cookie can be transferred between the user’s request and the server’s response.