Home Interview Questions and AnswersTechnical Interview Questions and Answers.NET .Net Application Deployment Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experience Part-1

deployment-logo-large1. What is deployment?
Deployment refers to the distribution of an application among various end-users. It is a process that makes software available for use by just installing it on the client computer.

2. List different ways of deployment that are supported by .NET Framework 4.0.
Windows Installer
Copy Web Site
Publish Web Site tool

3. What is XCOPY?
XCOPY enables you to deploy an application by copying the application directory and all subdirectories to the target computer and then executing the application on the client. The application starts executing on the target computer by using its assembly file, which is a self-description file that contains all the information about the application. The XCOPY deployment does not make any impact on the target system while configuring the components and registering entries, and is therefore known as zero-impact installation.

4. Does XCOPY copy the hidden and system files?
No. By default, XCOPY excludes the hidden and system files. However, you can include the hidden and system files using the /h switch.

5. Why do you use Windows Installer?
The Windows Installer deployment technique allows you to deploy Windows-based and Web applications by creating a Windows Installer Package. The installer package has an extension of .msi and it contains the application, any dependent files, registry entries, and the rest. The installer package can then be distributed to various end-users by simply copying it on the target computers.
The end-users can then run the installer package to install the application anywhere in their computers. The installation takes place using the installation wizard; therefore, the users can easily install the application on their system. Once your application is installed on the target computer, end-users can open the application from the installed location.

6. Can you deploy an ASP.NET Web application project using the Copy Web Site option?
No. The Copy Web Site option can only be used to deploy the Web sites.

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