1.What is the purpose of the PL/SQL language?
PL/SQL is an extension of SQL. SQL is non-procedural. PL/SQL is a procedural language designed by oracle to overcome the limitations that exist in SQL.
2.Say True or False. If False, explain why.
Routines written in PL/SQL can be called in Oracle call interface, Java, Pro*C/C++, COBOL etc.
3.Say True or False. If False, explain why.
PL/SQL does not have data types or variables.
False. PL/SQL has all features of a structured programming language including data types, variables, subroutines, modules and procedural constructs.
4.State few notable characteristics of PL/SQL.
Block-structured language.
Stored procedures help better sharing of application.
Portable to all environments that support Oracle.
Integration with the Oracle data dictionary.
5.Name few schema objects that can be created using PL/SQL?
Stored procedures and functions
6.State some features or programming constructs supported by PL/SQL.
Variables and constants
Embedded SQL support
Flow control
Cursor management
Exception handling
Stored procedures and packages
7.What are the three basic sections of a PL/SQL block?
Declaration section
Execution section
Exception section
8.What is wrong in the following assignment statement?
balance = balance + 2000;
Use of wrong assignment operator. The correct syntax is: balance := balance + 2000;
9.Write a single statement that concatenates the words ‘Hello’ and ‘World’ and assign it in a variable named greeting.
greeting := ‘Hello’ || ‘World’;
10.Which operator has the highest precedence among the following −