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1) where can you export the record in excel format
Ans :- in export report option or in print view
2) Type of headers for email
Ans:- HTML,visual force,text
3) custom fiscal year report
Ans :- custom fiscal forecasting
4)when viagra samples to enable Territory management
Ans :- custom fiscal forecasting
5)when you enable Advance Currency Management what we happen
Ans :- current base rate will be set
6)what natural viagra are standard object (choose 3)
7)if time zone is changed by sys admin , will it affect the user time zone
Ans:- it won’t affect the timezone of the user
8)primary object report used for which report
Ans:- to http://pharmacyonline-viagra.com/ select the report type
9)who can import leads
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and add it to campaign
Ans:- marketing user
10)for finding grand total which dashboard is used
Ans:- Gauge and metric
11)if a user refresh a dashboard what will happen
Ans:- it will refresh the user who refresh the dashboard
12)which is control and dependent field
Ans:- Custom picklist
13)Installing app exchange application admin can do ?
Ans:-security , first hands on
14)custom object relationship are (choose two)
Ans:-master detail and lookup
15)what will happen if a user login time period is over
Ans:- user is logged out and data is lost
16)In managed package what can be done
Ans:- Up gradation
17)can we refer custom summary formula field to another summary formula field-level
18)In user record which field is not available without using custom field
Ans:- Hire
19)Difference between workflow and approval process
Ans:- criteria and time dependent is workflow , record submit for approval is approval process
20)what are business process object
Ans:- case ,lead,opportunities, solutions
21)what are the things available in company profile? (choose 2)
Ans:-language , timezone , locale , license
22)what needs to be selected to view user opportunities and other user opportunities
Ans:- my team opportunities for natural viagra hierarchy , view all data for viewing all user dashboards
23)Information available on user record
Ans:- user license , storage, email ( default sales and a/c team is not the available in the record)
24)what can be transferred in the account EXCEPT
Ans:-closed activities
25)what is required for custom tab in application
Ans:- select custom object and style
26)what can be used to create email templates
Ans:- HTML,Text,Visualforce
27)what can be stored in folder
Ans:- email template,reports and dashboards,documents
28)if a user is login in with salesforce UI , what is checked in by salesforce
Ans:-login hours , trusted ip and ip restricted
29)Recent tags can be viewed using
Ans:- Side bar widget
30)Changing default locale will affect?
Ans:-user default locale with override org default
31)Presentation assembly is used for ?
Ans:- searching for and previewing slides, then easily assembling them in whatever sequence you choose over the counter viagra using a simple drag-and drop assembly tool.
32)what object details can be viewed in mini console view
Ans:-contact , account , cases
33)If there is a error in cialis-canadapharmacy web-to-lead , the error message is sent to
Ans:-error will be notified to customer
34)which is workflow task and not workflow alert ?
35)if a approver leave the organization then the system admin http://pharmacyonline-cialis.com/generic-ed-advanced-set-dosage/ can perform (choose 2)
Ans: mass transfer approve , change approval process
36)Report has to email to the user what should admin do
Ans: running user and frequency schedule
37)when case is deleted which item are also deleted
Ans:- events,comments
38)what is external id
Ans:- http://pharmacyonline-viagra.com it is a external application field id
39)public group must be used to do all the following EXCEPT
40)what will a user be able to do with a record that has manually shared with read/write access
Ans:- edit
41)What are the opportunity defaults when converting a lead to an opportunity?
Ans:-Stage Defaults to first option in the picklist, close date defaults to the last
42)Manufacture ford, GM and model alitis,s500
Ans:-controller pick-list manufacture , dependent pick-list model
43)When can u enable Territory management
Ans:- Enable custom forecasting
44)how can u upload 65,000 account record
Ans:-Data Loader
45)formula field to select cialis coupon the current year
46)if a user refresh a dashboard it will affect
Ans: It will affect that particular user alone
47)what is affected when u change locale(choose two)
Ans:-Date format , number format,
48)what are the custom object relationship
Ans:-lookup and master detail
49)when upload the data in the org what will happen to storage
Ans: storage space will be immediately updated
50)recycle bin is not full and you delete a data how long the data will be there in recycle
Ans:- 30 Days
51)if a record submitted for approval and is locked who can edit that record
Ans:- Administrator and Approver
52)under user record which fields can be modified by the user
Ans:- email,sales team,accounts team