1. Which action is not necessary when using the declarative capabilities of the force.com to build custom application? Select 3 choices
a) compile code
b) write SOQL queries
c) configure application server
d) Configure an application using clicks not code
2. Which of these can be done in SFDC application? Select 2 choices
a) internationalize and localize apps
b) run report on configurationally changes done
c) application can be done by click n not code
d) something else
3. What is true regarding a Custom App?
a) They can have a custom logo
b) They can have a separate tab style
c) If it is restricted in profiles, then those users can no way access the object added to that application via Salesforce.com User Interface
d) You can create your own Custom App by selecting Create New App present in the select box in the top right corner of the page.
4. What can be done in Force.com platform? Select 3 choices
a) Data-warehousing
b) Applications with clicks & not code
c) Applications can be upgraded without loss of customization
d) Bug Tracking Application
5. What layer of model-view-controller paradigm does standard or custom objects associated with? Choose the Right answer
a) View
b) Model
c) Controller
d) View and Controller
6. Select the salesforce.com edition that is NOT available today, Choose the Right answer
a) Professional
b) Unlimited
c) Enterprise
d) Premium
7. Can we log a Case using My Cases Tab in Help?
a) Yes
b) No
8. Default time zone is changed by an administrator from “A” to “B”. How will it affect the organization?
a) Will affect users with time zone A
b) Will affect user’s with time zone B
c) None
d) Both
9. Which field is available as a part of Translation workbench?
a) Formula
b) Descriptor
c) Rule Criteria
d) Error Message
10. Force.com domain name, can be your company name.
a) True
b) False
11. In which sales force instances would there be identical record IDs? Choose the Right answer
a) Production; Full Sandbox
b) Production; Full Sandbox; Apex Sandbox
c) Production; Full Sandbox; Configure Only Sandbox; Apex Sandbox;
d) Salesforce.com never repeats record IDs