Home Interview Questions and Answers SAP ABAP Interview Questions and Answers Part-4

sap abap31. What is the use of pretty printer ?

Exactly where can we link the functional module to abap coding.

Pretty Printer is used to format the ABAP Code we write in ABAP Editor ,like KEY WORDS in Capitals and remaining are in small letters which is also depend on system settings.

We can call the function module in the ABAP Code .Press the Pattern button on Appl. tool bar then u will get box where u write the function module NAME which u want to call in the code by selecting the radio button CALL FUNCTION. In this way we link function module to ABAP Code.

32. What is the difference between SAP memory and ABAP memory?
data sending between main sessions using get parameter and set parameter is sap memory
data sending between internal sessions using import or export parameters is abap memory

sap memory is a global memory whereas abap memory is local memory.

For example, we have four programs in abap memory and assigned some varibles to a particular program in abap memory then those varibles can’t be used by anyother program in abap memory i.e., the variables are only for that program and also local to that memory,whereas sap memory can access all the abap memory or else it can perform any kind of modifications.

SAP memory is available to the user during the entire terminal session.
ABAP memory is available to the user during life time of external session.

33. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using views in ABAP programming ?

advantages: view is used to retrieve the data very fastly from the database tables
*memory wastage is reduced
*faster than joins to retrieve the data from database tables
view is not a container,it will not hold the data
*view memory is not permanent memory

34. How data is stored in cluster table?
A cluster table conatins data from mulitple DDIC tables.
It stores data as a name value pair ( varkey, vardata)

35. Have you used performance tuning? What major steps will you use for these?
First of all tunning can be done
In three ways: disk i/o ,sql tunning , memory tunning,
Before tunning u have to get the status of your database using
Oracle utility called statpack , tkprof, then you should go for tunning

36. How to create client independent tables?
client independent tables:
the table in which the first field is not mandt is the client independent tables
*mandt is the field with mandt as the data element
*automatically client which we login is populated to mandt

37. What type of user exits have you written?
there are four types
1.function exit
2.menu ixit
3.screen exit.
4.field exit.
these are the user exits

38. How can you debug a script form?

SE71 -> give the form name -> utilities -> activate debugger

39. How do we debug sapscript?

First we need to put Break point in Print program where ever you want to stop the execution.
After in SE71 give your form name and go to Utilities–>Active De-bugger.
Then go to your transcation like VF03(for Invoice or Credit memo) etc to see the print preview or print the form execute it.
When you execute it the the form Debugging will get activated and you can see your Form execution step by step.

40. What are the different types of data dictionary objects?


Data Dictionary Objects

* Tables
* Views
* Domain
* Data Element
* Type Groups
* Search Helps/Matchcode Objects
* Lock objects
* Structures
* Table Types


the dictionary objects are:
search helps
lock objects etc which are data base related objects in sap

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